The legal process to save Bowles Lodge is over but the spirit of Bowles Lodge lives on!

My photo
This blog is about a campaign I led to prevent Lancashire County Council closing the care home my Mum lived in. We lost our case in the High Court but decision-makers at local and national level were made aware of the devastating consequences of moving elderly people - no matter how carefully it is done. Mum was moved and, sadly, died eight months later. The blog is dedicated to her precious memory. Love you Mum.

This is Vera, my mum

This is Vera, my mum
This is Vera, my mum. "Why did Kent County Council move me out of Bowles Lodge?"

Friday, 19 August 2011

KCC try to manipulate me!

At mum's recent Individual Needs Portrayal Assessment on 5th August I was informed verbally by mum's social worker and the care home manager that mum would need to be out of Bowles Lodge by mid-November to allow KCC to decommission it. It was clear they had been asked by a senior manager to relay this to me verbally. I understood exactly what was said but asked that the senior manager put this in writing so I could pass it on to mum's legal team.

Today, just over two weeks later, I receive the email below from Margaret Howard. I did not ask for an explanation; after all, what was relayed to me verbally only took a few words. She spends over 500 manipulative and patronising words completely over explaining what could have been said in 10.

Still I leave it to your judgement, and maybe to that of judges, if we use it in court, to decide what the real message and tone of this missive is.

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 19 August 2011 09:05
Subject: Closure of Bowles Lodge

Dear John

I understand that you were informed at the assessment of your mother's needs that we would need to move residents out of Bowles Lodge by mid-November and that you have asked for an explanation of this. As you know, Bowles Lodge is planned to close at the end of January. In order to de-commission the buildings and services by this date we will need to ensure all residents have moved by November. Also we have always made it clear that we want to proceed with care and caution in managing the moves of our residents from one home to another, and so we want to make sure this is undertaken in a timely way and in circumstances that minimise the anxiety and uncertainty for each of them. Most of our residents will have moved by then, as will many of our staff on to the alternative roles that they have secured. This could mean the unit will be staffed increasingly by agency staff adding potentially to the uncertainty.

You will remember that last winter we had a couple of particularly heavy snowfalls and we want to ensure that we avoid the worst weather if possible. It is important that the planning that has been done for individuals is concluded in a timely manner to enable their smooth transition, with the support of staff who know them, into their new homes. As I explained in my letter of 29 June 2011 it is important that we meet our duty of care to your mother in planning and facilitating her move. That is why it is important there are definite plans for her and a timetable that gives her some assurance as to where she will be living and when she will be moving. Her recent assessment records that your mother is saying she wishes to stay at Bowles Lodge until the end the assessment, but it also highlights the anxiety that she is experiencing due to not knowing what will happen. As I have said before, I am sure with your help and support we can relieve this anxiety by agreeing the next steps and the timings of these.

There is some scope for slippage of the proposed moving date (of about 2 weeks) in order to secure a room in the right home for your mother should it not be available by mid-November. I understand that you have not yet confirmed an alternative home for your mother but have made some enquiries. Support in securing alternative accommodation with local authority funding is available either through Margaret Terry or Jayne Hodge.

Of course we want to avoid moving your mother twice, should a room not be available in your selected home by the end of November at the latest, and her having to move temporarily into another home while a vacancy arises. I believe this was all explained to you by Beverley and Margaret on 5 August. It reinforces the need to make plans now.

Yours sincerely

Margaret Howard

Director of Learning Disabilities and Mental Health

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

A poem for mum

A Poem for Mum

Her sight is dimmed

Her hearing almost gone

Yet mum's soul shines bright

Her bones are fragile

Her breathing is shallow

Yet mum sleeps soundly at night

Her fingers are twisted yet soft

Her heart beat is irregular

Yet mum's smile is a beautiful sight

She seems like a pawn to be taken

By people who should know better

Yet mum remains feisty in the fight

Some say poor old soul

What quality of life is this?

Yet mum to her life she holds on tight

Her memory may be fading

Her walk is a shuffle

Yet mum always tries with all her might

Her skin may be shrivelled

And dotted with purple blotches

Yet to my hand mum can hold on tight

So, Graham Gibbens

Who decided to close mum's home

In a court sometime soon

Mum may cause you a fright

Mum does not mind if she is the last one in her home

The fact is it's wrong to threaten her life

She wants me to continue - come what may

Mum's mandate compels me and I will stand up and say

To the highest judge in the land

If that's what it takes to make things right

For my mum

Who I will always love very much