The legal process to save Bowles Lodge is over but the spirit of Bowles Lodge lives on!

My photo
This blog is about a campaign I led to prevent Lancashire County Council closing the care home my Mum lived in. We lost our case in the High Court but decision-makers at local and national level were made aware of the devastating consequences of moving elderly people - no matter how carefully it is done. Mum was moved and, sadly, died eight months later. The blog is dedicated to her precious memory. Love you Mum.

This is Vera, my mum

This is Vera, my mum
This is Vera, my mum. "Why did Kent County Council move me out of Bowles Lodge?"

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Shoppers join our campaign

Unison members, staff and relatives gave out leaflets and spoke to shoppers outside Budgens in Hawkhurst today.

Many signed our petition and pledged their support to keep Bowles Lodge.

Sad news

One of the residents at Bowles Lodge died this week.

Friday, 30 July 2010

BBC Radio Kent breakfast interview

Quite a long interview following last night's public meeting. click here - it is about 80 mins into the show - only available until next Thursday!

So far the public are only getting soundbites. It would be helpful to explore and debate these important issues in greater depth and to provide evidence to support what is being said.

Something to ponder on!

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Reflections on public meeting tonight

About 200 people gathered at Hawkhurst Primary School this evening to question Graham Gibbens and Margaret Howard about the proposal. There were local residents, relatives of Bowles Lodge residents and day centre atendees, local business people and various parish and borough councillors.

I learnt nothing new apart from Margaret suggesting there was a significant supply of empty beds in independent homes (both not-for-profit and profit) across Kent. This is not backed up by home managers I have talked to! Also I learned that no new people can be taken at the day centre. I was shocked about this. I agree with not taking any new permanent residents in the home but day centre provision is different and can be provided on a temporary basis with less long lasting negative effects.

There was a lot of debate about alternative sites and availability or lack of money but less about people. When they were discussed the standard lines were trotted out.

Having put up "Bowles Lodge Stays!" posters and stories or residents on the walls I chose to stay quite and lingered outside in the cool evening air. Did a TV and radio interview and pondered how to win this thing. I believe it is possible and look forward to more media opportunities to get our message across.

We have a special meeting next week - more on this another time.

I had tea with mum at Bowles Lodge earlier. It took her about 10 minutes to dislodge a stubborn piece of bread off of her teeth - something I would do in a second. It revealed a huge amount about the challenges that mum grapples with every day. I love her deeply. Good night mum - sleep tight.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Local households anger

I delivered leaflets about next week's public meeting to 100 households around Bowles Lodge this morning before seeing mum.

Many did not know about the proposal or that there was a public meeting that had been called by Roger manning.

Those that did were furious about it. I was touched by the sense of fondness that local residents have for Bowles Lodge. It is part of their community and they will fight to protect it. Good for them!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Sandy & I interviewed on Radio Kent today

Sandy Strutt & I met with Graham Gibbens and Margaret Howard today at Sessions House in Maidstone and were then interviewed by Dominic King on Radio Kent. This was broadcast at 4.20pm today so you may be able to listen to it again on BBC's iPlayer.

Here are the questions I asked and the headlines of their responses. Overall I would describe it as a cordial meeting - very sugary and somewhat artificial. They did listen but we were both, as Dominic was too, left with the impression that they have made up their mind! I will leave it to you to make up your own mind.

What evidence, documents or other material helped you to formulate the proposal to close Bowles Lodge?
Graham said it was not a proposal! (I won't go there). He then trotted out almost word for word what Margaret had said to the residents exactly one month ago today at Bowles Lodge. He did not answer the question.

Who has called the public meeting at Hawkhurst Primary School on Thursday 29th July?
Roger Manning, County Councillor for Cranbrook and the Weald, who spoke at the Parish Council meeting mentioned last week.

Do you Graham have the sole responsibility for the decision?
Yes, as the delegated member of the Cabinet, though I will make a recommendation to all Cabinet members for endorsement.

Have you considered other sites?
They had looked at one which means that Bowles Lodge was NOT the first choice! There are other sites that Sandy mentioned that both Graham and Margaret had no knowledge of - doh!

How will the decision be made when the consultation ends on 1st November?
Very woolly on this one as he said "the consultation does not end on 1st November". Well it either does or it does not! He went on to say he will listen to all the points of view and then make a decision.

If the decision goes against us can we appeal?
"Oh, I don't know the answer to that one, says Graham, - Margaret?" Margaret looks puzzled. She will let us know.

If the decision is to keep Bowles Lodge open - what are the consequences?
Margaret said " we will lose the money from The Treasury for the new build project". Oh, I see, it is not about money then!!

Can we have the budget and actual maintenance costs at Bowles for the last 5 financial years please?
Margaret and Graham grimaced at this request and then said they would make enquiries to check if we could have this information. You see, we think the building is in good nick apart from the roof which does need repairing (could be done with residents in situ). Dominic described this as "makeover NOT a bulldozer" - nicely put Dom!

Would you consent to a live TV debate with me about this issue along the lines of the general election televised debates?
You could almost hear the squirming! I am up for this - me as an individual citizen with no mighty County Council back up v Graham Gibbens - the guy with the power to decide what happens to my mum!

What do you know about the current market state in the private/independent care sector in relation to block and spot contracting?
This is a key question that I do not have the space to go into here but we are hearing that the suitable places for very vulnerable people may not be available. Margaret dodged the question and I am not sure if Graham had a clue what I was talking about.

So there you have it - the gist of an 80-minute meeting at least. NONE of the conversation was confidential and I like them both as human beings though I think they are blinkered and politically cornered on this vital issue!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

DON'T FORGET come to a public meeting at Hawkhurst Primary School on Thursday 29th July at 7.30pm. Click here for map.

Come and hear what two key people from Kent County Council have to say about the proposed closure: Graham Gibbens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Margaret Howard, Director, Commissioning and Provision (West Kent).

I understand that Roger Manning, County Councillor for Cranbrook and the Weald will chair the meeting.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Shops offer support to campaign

I visited all the shops in Hawkhurst today before I spent some time with my mum. Nearly every shop owner/manager was aware of the plan to close Bowles Lodge and felt it was wrong.

They were amazed to learn that two residents had celebrated their 100th birthday this year and said that it must stay open.

It was very heartening to listen to their views and many are displaying the flyer I gave them in their windows about the Public Meeting on Thursday 29th July at Hawkhurst Primary School.

Thank you local businesses for showing that Hawkhurst cares!

This is my mum

... at Bowles Lodge today. She said "I love it here and don't want to move".

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Hawkhurst Parish Council meeting

About 50 people came for one special item this evening - to hear what Roger Manning, County Councillor for Cranbrook and the Weald, had to say about the proposed closure of Bowles Lodge. This is an email I sent to Graham Gibbens and Margaret Howard after the meeting:

Dear Graham

I have just got home from a meeting of the Hawkhurst Parish Council which was attended by Roger Manning who addressed, under a special item, questions raised by people who live in Hawkhurst about Bowles Lodge. There were at least 50 people there as the proposed redevelopment has caused much local concern.

I am sure that Roger will provide you with his account of the meeting. If not you will probably read another version in the Courier. Roger spent about an hour outside the community hall talking with people about the proposal.

The feelings of local residents and their depth of knowledge about the high standard of care Bowles Lodge provides was electrifying.

Roger's presentation was totally unconvincing. He came over as a nice person but a very poor spokesperson for KCC. At one point he referred to the proposal as an "idea floating about" in an attempt to counter the challenge that the consultation was not genuine. He also said that "... because we are living longer and getting dementia...". Getting dementia does not always happen and I am sure he would be convinced otherwise by two 90 year-old + residents if he took the time to meet with them.

Parish councillors were totally in the dark about the proposals (!?) and had not been formally consulted by KCC - the reporter's pen was nearly on fire at that point.

There is a strong move for a public meeting and other media are now asking questions.

As a tax payer I expect a more professional approach and am shocked by Rogers' lack of preparation.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Relatives meet to plan campaign

Over 25 people met in the scorching heat today at the day centre at Bowles Lodge. It was very encouraging to meet people who wanted to do something. The most powerful thing we realised was the stories we shared about our relatives and how they came to be at Bowles Lodge. These stories revealed more about the high quality of care at Bowles Lodge and the posisitive changes we had all observed in our relatives since arriving.

There are many arguments we can mount against the proposed closure but it was these stories that rang in my heart and mind as I left the meeting. Keeping our relatives in the centre of our campaign is crucial and will prevent us from being diverted into peripheral issues. This focus will also help us to maintain our energy, prevent pride and give us the boost we need to sustain momentum through the consultation period and beyond.