The legal process to save Bowles Lodge is over but the spirit of Bowles Lodge lives on!

My photo
This blog is about a campaign I led to prevent Lancashire County Council closing the care home my Mum lived in. We lost our case in the High Court but decision-makers at local and national level were made aware of the devastating consequences of moving elderly people - no matter how carefully it is done. Mum was moved and, sadly, died eight months later. The blog is dedicated to her precious memory. Love you Mum.

This is Vera, my mum

This is Vera, my mum
This is Vera, my mum. "Why did Kent County Council move me out of Bowles Lodge?"

Sunday, 18 July 2010

DON'T FORGET come to a public meeting at Hawkhurst Primary School on Thursday 29th July at 7.30pm. Click here for map.

Come and hear what two key people from Kent County Council have to say about the proposed closure: Graham Gibbens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Margaret Howard, Director, Commissioning and Provision (West Kent).

I understand that Roger Manning, County Councillor for Cranbrook and the Weald will chair the meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Protecting vulnerable people by enabling them to stay in the safety of a care home/day centre is crucial to their health and wellbeing. The shock of being removed from such environments is enormous, physically, mentally and emotionally. The extra care they will then need will outweigh any potential short term proposed savings. Denise Rose
