The legal process to save Bowles Lodge is over but the spirit of Bowles Lodge lives on!

My photo
This blog is about a campaign I led to prevent Lancashire County Council closing the care home my Mum lived in. We lost our case in the High Court but decision-makers at local and national level were made aware of the devastating consequences of moving elderly people - no matter how carefully it is done. Mum was moved and, sadly, died eight months later. The blog is dedicated to her precious memory. Love you Mum.

This is Vera, my mum

This is Vera, my mum
This is Vera, my mum. "Why did Kent County Council move me out of Bowles Lodge?"

Monday, 16 May 2011


Yes, its been quiet on the news front during the past few months but that DOES NOT mean we have been idle.

Mum's legal team are still preparing the case, gathering evidence and getting expert reports prepared.

I will keep you posted how this goes.

Mum is pretty well though Bowles Lodge is not the place it was. The Day Centre will be moving into the main building and more residents are being moved to other homes. Morale is low. It is sad to see but mum remains steadfast in her determination to see this case through to its conclusion. I am amazed by her tenacity, sense of purpose and hunger for justice. I will support her all the way!

1 comment:

  1. A great example of "When I am old I shall wear purple .." !!!
