Solicitors & Commissioners for Oaths
Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
Ivy Cott
89 Broadway, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6DF
Telephone: 01536 518638 Fax: 01536 516820
Email: hossacks@hossacks.plus.com
Principal: Yvonne Hossack, Solicitor-Advocate (HCCivilP)
SRA No: 370054
Dear Sirs
Re: Vera Waylor care needs
Further to our correspondence late last week when you explained that Mrs Waylor had been assessed as needing nursing care by a single physician but were unable to give us any details, we have referred this matter back to Dr Chris Fox.
He says:
" This decision should be made in the best interests of Mrs Waylor.
It is not usual practice that a geriatrician would suggest nursing home placement for dementia on its own. Usually old age psychiatric services advise usually a nurse cpn or some services old age psychiatry medical assessment would occur in hospital. If the clinical situation has changed then this is needed to guide optimal placement. If Mrs Waylor has similar levels of behaviour and dependency it does not appear that the non return to Bowles Lodge has been justified."
Would you please be kind enough to let us have Dr Reynolds assessment without delay. Whilst I appreciate that KCC does not employ Dr Reynolds and the hospital is not KCC property, nevertheless KCC – extraordinarily – appear to have relied on word of mouth without seeing a single document and without a multi-disciplinary assessment meeting even though the decision to transfer our unfortunate client elsewhere could bring forth her death.
We feel sure that KCC will, even at this late stage, wish to have a multi-disciplinary assessment and share information with us. Would you like to liaise with the NHS now?
Dr Fox has offered to see Mrs Waylor again and offer his own expert advice. It would be helpful if he could speak to Dr Reynolds bearing in mind that your own information is so limited. We hope that you would consider this helpful and confirm that you have no objection.
Yours faithfully
Yvonne Hossack
From: Benjamin.Watts@kent.gov.uk [mailto:Benjamin.Watts@kent.gov.uk]
Sent: 28 October 2011 18:05
To: hossacks@hossacks.plus.com
Cc: Ian.Clark@kent.gov.uk
Subject: Re: Your client - Vera Waylor
Dear Ms Hossack,
As I expressed in my earlier email, I had only heard from my client at this stage and understood that the Doctor had spoken to your client.
I updated you as a matter of professional courtesy at the earliest opportunity and indicated I would further update you next week. As and when I receive anything further I will write to you.
You will appreciate that Dr Reynolds is not a KCC employee and that as the hospital is not a KCC property it is not within our gift to offer those facilities.
That said, I will gladly revert to my client and take instructions in relation to how you would wish KCC to assist.
I will be in touch next week.
Yours sincerely
Ben Watts
Team Leader (Solicitor)
Litigation, Employment and Education
KCC Legal Services
From: Yvonne Hossack <hossacks@hossacks.plus.com>
To: Watts, Benjamin - BSS GL
Cc: Clark, Ian - BSS GL
Sent: Fri Oct 28 17:56:25 2011
Subject: RE: Your client - Vera Waylor
Solicitors & Commissioners for Oaths
Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
Ivy Cott
89 Broadway, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6DF
Telephone: 01536 518638 Fax: 01536 516820
Email: hossacks@hossacks.plus.com
Principal: Yvonne Hossack, Solicitor-Advocate (HCCivilP)
SRA No: 370054
Dear Mr Watts
We require our own assessment of course. Please confirm that facilities will be made available.
Please also provide us without delay with what seems to be a sole assessment by Dr Reynolds rather than a multi-disciplinary one. We presume that you have had sight of the document before writing to us.
Yours sincerely
Yvonne Hossack
From: Benjamin.Watts@kent.gov.uk [mailto:Benjamin.Watts@kent.gov.uk]
Sent: 28 October 2011 16:44
To: hossacks@hossacks.plus.com
Cc: Ian.Clark@kent.gov.uk
Subject: Your client - Vera Waylor
Dear Ms Hossack,
I understand from my client that Dr Reynolds has today determined that your client requires nursing care. I am further told that Dr Reynolds has also spoken with your client's son, who is her litigation friend for the proceedings against my client.
As I believe you are aware, Bowles Lodge is not registered nor able to take those requiring nursing care. My client remains more than happy to assist your client and her son in seeking suitable nursing homes.
I will update you next week as necessary and in the meantime if I can assist further please do not hesitate to contact.
Yours sincerely
Ben Watts
Team Leader (Solicitor)
Litigation, Employment and Education
KCC Legal Services