The legal process to save Bowles Lodge is over but the spirit of Bowles Lodge lives on!

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This blog is about a campaign I led to prevent Lancashire County Council closing the care home my Mum lived in. We lost our case in the High Court but decision-makers at local and national level were made aware of the devastating consequences of moving elderly people - no matter how carefully it is done. Mum was moved and, sadly, died eight months later. The blog is dedicated to her precious memory. Love you Mum.

This is Vera, my mum

This is Vera, my mum
This is Vera, my mum. "Why did Kent County Council move me out of Bowles Lodge?"

Friday, 28 October 2011

The plot is revealed in all its subversive truth

I have conversations with Jerry Wilson, the senior social worker at the hospital and Dr Reynolds. Both are singing from the same hymn sheet. Mum has been assessed by a multidisciplinary team, she can be discharged but not back to Bowles Lodge as she now has nursing needs.

Their view is summarised in the updated Individual Needs Portrayal:

Mrs Waylor is living in a home which is due to close. Consequently there are only 4 residents currently and the ration is 2 staff to 4 residents which is higher than it would be if the home was operating at the usual capacity of residents.

The home have stated that if they were operating with a larger number of residents they would not be able to meet Mrs Waylor's needs based on a high need for one to one time, due to her double incontinence, double handed moving and handling, high level of reassurance needed, support due to being hard of hearing and registered blind.

The additional information from the Tunbridge Wells Hospital and the deterioration in Mrs Waylors general condition now show that her needs require the provision of nursing home care.

This sly move effectively placed mum in limbo where, as it turned out she would be for six more weeks!

Dr Reynolds voice was shaky and he sounded much less confident.

As always I let Yvonne Hossack know exactly what was going on.

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